‘Collaboration’ is everywhere – the word is constantly used across sectors, contexts, arts, sciences, and business. Collaboration studied in an academic context has attracted research from many disciplines attempting to explore what collaboration means and how it can operate (Wood …

Creative Collaboration – Unpacking Collaboration Theory Read more »

Picture: Harri (exec VP), Jufo (VP of Marketing) and Micki (CEO) in the damagement room at the Hybrid office in Helsinki. Image (Creative Commons) by Jufo.

by Simon Das Creativity in the media industries, as noted by Lucy Kung (2008), is arguably more important for business competitive advantage than it is in other industries. The creativity in the working ‘capital’ of ideas, new concepts and even …

Managing Creativity: Media ‘mission impossible’? Read more »

It most probably reflects my own approach to analysis but I enjoy reading texts that reflect upon the iterative stages of analysis and that spend time assessing the many overlapping influences that affect the analytical process as it is played …

Rethinking analytical methods – ‘messy’ analysis, the crisis of legitimacy and creative research Read more »

Abstract of a journal article I have recently had published in Logos. As digital media lead to the blurring of edges between different creative forms, from books to film, games to visual archive, it is becoming more important to understand …

Digital Convergence and Collaborative Cultures – ABSTRACT Read more »

by Simon Das After meeting with the CIMRH team to discuss methodologies for our research, it left me thinking about two things: (i) how much we’d all delved into the ontological debates about social science in the last six months and …

Meaning in Method: Critical Realism in Creative Industries Research? Read more »